2011 was a fine year for me and since I didn't have a blog for 360 days of the year I figured I'd fill you all in on my birding highlights month by month. First, some quick stats (thanks to
ebird). I finished the year with 296 species in Ontario, which is quite good since I was only down on Lake Erie for a total of about a week this year and missed a bunch of "easy" warblers (chat, prairie, connecticut, kentucky, worm-eating). I also didn't do a ton of twitching especially for a few long-staying birds (White-faced Ibis, Black-throated Gray Warbler, and Smew to name a few). Besides the warblers I already mentioned my biggest misses were probably Western Meadowlark, Great Gray Owl, and Harlequin Duck. 2011 was also a great birding year for me because I did my first trips to Central America and the southwest US, so I saw 551 species this year. Anyways, here is the quick summary:
I started the month living at Long Point where I had a nice surprise- Brewer's Blackbird in early January and picked up the long-staying Spotted Towhee at the Finney's feeders. I did a trip early in the New Year with Ken and Brandon to Hamilton and Niagara where we picked up Greater White-fronted and Cackling Geese. Erica and I moved to her cottage (on Charleston Lake NE of Kingston) mid-month and so we did a trip to Amherst Island with some of the folks who helped us move, which was great since we managed to find a Boreal Owl despite some bad weather.
Boreal Owl with prey, Amherst Island, Lennox and Addington County, Ontario. December 17, 2008 |
January continued to be action-packed with my first trip to Central America. Erica and I left for our honeymoon January 21 and woke up on January 22 at
Hotel Bougainvillea in Costa Rica's central valley to the sounds of Rufous-tailed Hummingbirds and Clay-colored Thrushes. From there we headed to the
Almonds and Corals Resort on the Caribbean coast for a few days and finished off the trip at
Savegre Mountain Lodge in the central highlands. It was a pretty mind-blowing experience and I can't wait to go back! Here are a few highlights, and you can check out the full album on
my flickr page.
Me the first morning at Hotel Bougainvillea |
Blue-crowned Motmot |
Collared Aracari |
Went all the way to Costa Rica to have Broad-winged Hawk as most common raptor! |
The Savegre River - great habitat for Torrent Tyrannulets! |
Yellow-thighed Finch |
Resplendant Quetzal |
White-throated Mountain-Gem (female) |
Sooty-capped Bush-tanager |
Costa Rican Pygmy-owl |
Flame-colored Tanager |
Collared Redstart (whitestart) |
I didn't do a ton of birding in Ontario during February, but I did celebrate my birthday with a Northern Hawk-owl on Amherst Island. The real excitement for the month was a pure birding trip to southern California with my Dad and Ken. It was an awesome trip, and we only really cleaned up getting most of our target species. You can read a detailed trip report
here and check out my flickr album from the trip
Western Scrub-Jay |
California Condors |
Mountain Plovers |
Vermilion Flycatcher |
Yellow-headed Blackbirds |
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher |
Black-throated Sparrow |
Costa's Hummingbird |
Heermann's Gull |
March as always brought the beginning of migration in Ontario and I was treated to some great flocks of Snow Geese on a couple trips to Eastern Ontario while working in Erica's family sugar bush. The biggest flock I saw had an estimated 300 000 birds roosting on the St. Lawrence River and at least 1 Ross's Goose! I also picked up a couple good ducks (Eurasian Wigeon and Barrow's Goldeneye) on different trips to Presqu'ile Provincial Park.
April was pretty non-birdy mainly because Erica and I moved (again) mid-month to the Bancroft area. I did do some birding over the Easter long weekend. One of the trips was to the Long Point area where we had really nice views of a singing Louisiana Waterthrush. Near the end of the weekend Brandon found a Neotropic Cormorant at Wheatley Harbour, so Ken and I booked it down and got it before going back home for Easter dinner!
Phonescoped! |

I ended April and began May down at Pelee Island with Ken and Brandon for the weekend, picking up a few nice birds including some nice migrants like Summer Tanager and Cerulean Warbler. On the way home to Bancroft that weekend I lucked out because a black Ruff was found in Oakville just as I was passing through. I made the short detour and easily found it for my second Ontario bird of the year! May was a bit tough for me because I had just started a new job with the MNR in Bancroft so I couldn't really take off much time but I did manage a few days off for our birdathon on Pelee Island with my parents and Ken. Despite the weather forecasts we ended up getting really lucky and had a big "reverse migration" at Fish Point during the day of our birdathon so we really cleaned up, getting 143 species on the Island which is a really awesome day's birding for Pelee Island. Lots of great birds that day, with the highlight being a Kirtland's Warbler that we had at the tip for great looks before it flew off to the south. Here's the ebird checklist for that day:
http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S8233938. The non-bird highlight was also really good, coming in the form of a Grey Fox den!
Kirtland's Warbler from Point Pelee, May 12, 2005 |
Grey Fox kits! |
I closed out May with a wedding just outside of Ottawa. I took advantage of being in eastern Ontario and did a big circuit collecting a lot of goodies: I visited Alfred Sewage Lagoons hoping to see some Red-necked Phalaropes found the previous day by Bruce Di Labio. I got them, plus found a Purple Sandpiper! Then it was off to Ottawa where I picked up Arctic Tern along the river (this spring saw a really good grounding of them in Ottawa). Then, I decided I might as well keep birding, so I headed for Amherst Island. Just before the ferry I noticed some Black-bellied Plovers in a field near Amherstview. I turned around to scan them "just in case" and noticed some Red Knots! Sweet! Then I noticed another shorebird pretty far away in the field - it looked like a dowitcher, but I figured I better get the scope out to be sure. I was glad I did because it turned out to be a Hudsonian Godwit! Anyways, needless to say it was an awesome day of birding to end the month.
June was fairly slow, I was very busy doing species-at-risk surveys across central and eastern Ontario for work. But I did happen to find myself in Toronto when some big birding news broke: the Willow Ptarmigan at the Darlington Nuclear Station! So, Erica and Ken and I made the trip for it and were happy we did!
There's the Willow Ptarmigan with some of the huge crowd! |
July was also pretty slow, but Erica and I did a canoe trip to Killarney where we had some boreal birds, with the highlight being a young Northern Goshawk chasing squirrels and daily Eastern Whip-poor-wills. August was also pretty slow bird-wise for me, but I did manage one trip around the south west of the province with Ken to check out some shorebirds. I think I spent more time oding in July than birding, which was great! Erica and I did two oding trips, including the Algonquin Ode count and the Butterfly and Dragonfly festival at Long Point. At Algonquin we lucked out with a couple nice finds, including a few Azure Bluets (rare in the park) and a Kennedy's Emerald:
Azure Bluet (Enallagma aspersum) |
Kennedy's Emerald (Somatochlora kennedyi) |
Highlights from Long Point were expected, with Unicorn Clubtails and Rainbow Bluets common at the Backus Mill pond:
Unicorn Clubtail (Arigomphus villosipes) |
Rainbow Bluet (Enallagma antennatum) |
September rolled around and Erica and I made a trip to Presqu'ile having a great shorebird day with some Red Knots and Buff-breasted Sandpiper highlighting our list. Here's the ebird checklist for that:
http://ebird.org/ebird/canada/view/checklist?subID=S8770665. Then, with strong NE winds predicted I used some of my banked time to head down to Van Wagner's beach for some lake watching and was not dissapointed! The first Sabine's Gulls of the year showed up and we had constand jaeger action! Here's my ebird checklist for that day:
http://ebird.org/ebird/canada/view/checklist?subID=S8781898. September continued to be busy with the OFO convention at Point Pelee. Birding on the Saturday was a bit slow in the park for passerines so we decided to head to Holiday Beach for some raptors. We were a bit disappointed to find out we missed a Swainson's Hawk earlier in the day but still had some hawks moving. At the end of the day we also found out there had been a Snowy Egret near Lake St. Clair that we had missed so that was also too bad. After a fine banquet we were up bright and early the next day to head home. We first stopped in Leamington to twitch some butterflies and were successful in getting Fiery Skipper and Checkered Skipper:
Crappy shot of a Fiery Skipper |
Lifer Checkered Skipper |
Then it was off to try our luck with the Snowy Egret. Sure enough just as we were driving towards where it had been seen it came flying down the river! We watched it fly away then jumped in the car to try to catch it. No luck but when we stopped the car it appeared again flying over! Ken managed a picture on his
blog, but here's one from Florida:
Snowy Egret crapping! Florida in February 2009 |
October was mostly quiet since I started a new job in Peterborough with MNR, but I did get down south to see the Purple Gallinule at Port Weller! Ken got some nice pics on his
blog. At the end of the month it was off to Netitishi Point with Brandon Holden, Barb Charlton, and Ken Burrell. I won't belabor the findings, since it has been reported elsewhere, but it was a great trip despite the lack of rarity-inducing weather we had hoped for. Check out
Ken and
Brandon's blogs and our
Ontbirds post for all of the details. I highly recommend
Brandon's video compilation!
Foxy the camp fox! |
The first half of November was still Netitishi Point, but I did make it to Niagara in late November to do some gulling for the annual Kitchener-Waterloo Field Naturalists club outing that my Dad and Ken and I lead. We weren't disapointed, with Black-legged Kittiwake, Franklin's Gull, American White Pelican, and Razorbill being some solid highlights! The Razorbill was especially satisfying because we had missed the one there in 2006 and obviously didn't go for the one earlier in the fall in Ottawa.
December was mostly spent getting ready for Christmas, but I did make it to Presqu'ile for "Purplepalooza" which was successful in finding a Purple Sandpiper on High Bluff Island and a few Snowy Owls. Other than that, I did a bunch of CBC's including (besides Algonquin) Kitchener, Cambridge, and Cornwall. Click the links to see my ebird checklists for those counts. All of them were really good this year because of open water.
Phonescoped at the Tip of Long Point, fall 2010 |
So that's the end of 2011. I'm starting off 2011 with the Linwood CBC tomorrow, so you'll hear about that soon enough. Happy New Year!